Monday, October 18, 2010

A little bit of Friendly Competition

There once was a time when I only had to compete with the bikes, for time with CH. That was, until the iphone was invented. This small piece of technology has practically been grafted onto CH's hand, only to be ripped away when it needs to be charged, or, when he is riding - at which point the iphone takes a back seat, in the pocket of his jersey. CH is NEVER without his iphone. It has been fascinating to see him develop a whole new addiction whilst still maintaining his cycling addiction.

So curious was I, as to what CH found all encompassing about the iphone, that I decided to have a peek at it. And as I scrolled through cycling app, after cycling app, after cycling app, I began to see why there was such a strong connection to his beloved iphone. It was bursting at the seam with cycling apps, It was his tool for organising rides via text messages and he could access any cycling website whenever and wherever he wanted to. The iphone was the hub of his cycling life. It is the glue that holds it all together.

So, as I peeled back the layers I realised that the bike and the iphone weren't competing for CH's time, they were working harmoniously together to create some sort of super power that I will now need to try and conquer if I am to see CH at all anymore.

1 comment:

  1. I can so relate to this...
    I've only just stumbled upon your blog and it's like reading a chapter of my own life...
    At least I know I'm not alone!!
