Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Tour - Part 2: The Battle for the Freebies!

The caravan coming through was an incredible experience. I would say it is one of those moments where people’s true colours shine through, as people literally dive for the free stuff thrown out to the masses. On the first day we were situated next to a couple who were well skilled in retrieval of free things and we were dismally untrained in the battle field of the caravan. 

Once you switch on and begin to get competitive, you then have to battle with the parties that have the ‘bait’. These are the people that are either dressed up, waving a flag or have children – these are the parties that attracted the most ‘giveaways’. Despite going to great lengths to try and get our hands on some Aussie paraphernalia before we came, we were unable to find any in Germany (strange, I know!) and we are all childless, which meant we had no bait and lucked out on the freebies on the first day. CH almost wept as he saw all of the children dive for the Nesquik  and Haribo samples, and all he walked away with was a sample of washing powder.

However, on Alp D’Huez the Freebie Gods shined upon us, and a crew of people decided that they wanted to hang their marketing banner directly behind us – We later discovered that this very conveniently worked as a net, which stopped the freebies going any further beyond us. Needless to say we brought home the mother load on that day, hats, t-shirts, keyrings, stubby coolers, beanies, lanyards, magnets and, much to CH's delight, more washing powder!

The cyclists model their fabulous hats which they scored from the Caravan. As you can see there was some quality merchandise being distributed. Whether or not it was worth diving for is still open to debate. 

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