Friday, August 7, 2009

The Giant Lycra Magnet

With an increasingly busy schedule CH is looking for ways to wisely use his time in order to try and fit everything in. It would appear that he has decided to try and kill two birds with one stone and has recently started inviting me out to 'join him for a coffee' of a morning, which is really just me crashing in on a post-ride coffee with all his Cycling mates. While it's truly great to catch up with all of his BFF's I just can't bring myself to ticking it off as us spending quality time together (much to CH's disappointment no doubt). While this method has not been successful on the 'date' front, it has been quite intruiging to be exposed to even more of the wierd and wonderful world of cycling culture.

This morning CH very kindly suggested we ride in to have a coffee in at South Bank (which I know really translaltes to - Lets go in and meet my BFF's for a coffee after their ride). So we head off - me on Old Red and CH on his Fixie, and very unsuccessfully tackle some hills along the way. Never the less we finally arrive at the coffee shop, park our bikes and head in to order. Initially there were a couple of cyclists filtered throughout, yet I could hardly believe what unfolded over the space of the next minute. It was like a giant lycra magnet had been placed in this coffee shop and within seconds there was a plague of cyclists feeding their coffee addiction and comparing ride notes....and surely enough among the group were CH's BFF's who we were fortunate enough to have join us on what CH would refer to as a 'date' (Oh the complex mind of a cyclist - so many blurred boundaries!).

Anyhow, while we enjoyed some good coffee and good company, that giant lycra magnet kept doing it's thing and tightly clothed people continued to arrive in herds. I began to feel a little like I was tripping as I took in the multiltude of colours and patterns that jumped out at me from this sea of cyclists - all in the name of keeping warm on the bike. I hadn't realised just how co-ordinated CH is in his kit, with the entourage of winter accessories that go along with it, until this morning. It was amazing and somewhat amusing to see the combinations of gear that people had on and the lengths that they go to to keep warm.

As our 'date' came to an end, we walked out and I rescued Old Red from drowning in a sea of road bikes parked outside, and an observant council worker took it upon himself to tell me 'Gee Love, yours isn't quite as flash as the rest of them is it?' I looked up at him and replied 'Perhaps not, but it does have a flame seat.'

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