Friday, August 7, 2009

The Short Sweet Life of Chocolate Biscuits

5:00pm - CH decides to grace me with his presence while I visit the supermarket to purchase onions and potatoes.

5:17pm - We reach the checkout with a whole basket full of goods - total spend $42.75. A sample of the selections made by CH included - Tim Tams, Squiggle biscuits, Red Bull and Ice Cream (you get the picture - he made the fatal mistake of coming to the supermarket whilst hungry).

5:19pm - Half a packet of Squiggle biscuits inhaled by CH. I request to partake in the joy of a chocolate biscuit and he reluctantly parts with one.

5:20pm - I polish off the last crumb of my biscuit, having savoured every mouthful.

5:22pm - In preperation to request another chocolate biscuit I turn my head to CH, just in time to see him place the last bikkie in his mouth, whole. Dammit - too late!

5:45pm - CH sets his sights on demolishing Chocolate biscuits #2 - the Tim Tams are open. I jump in before I miss out and ask that he saves me one.

6:00pm - CH uses all the will power he has got to stop at the last biscuit and put it back in the fridge.

The following day I develop a cold and don't really want to waste my one and only chocolate biscuit by eating it when I won't even be able to fully savour the smell and taste of it. I wonder if the Tim Tam will survive the day, with CH lurking around.

CH resists and the Tim Tam does survive the day, however, over the next few days CH becomes so disturbed by the lone Tim Tam, which he knows he can't eat, that he develops a name for the situation and cries out 'Damn you Tim Tamtation' each time he opens the fridge and discovers it still there.

The fourth day after the Tim Tam purchase - I can't bear to hear 'Damn you Tim Tamtation', anymore and I sacrafice my chocolate biscuit to make one man very happy.
CH gives in to Tim Tamtation, inhales it and wears a smile for the rest of the night.

It's the little things.


  1. I like the part about CH helping with the shopping. He is so helpful.

  2. Well, he's not a real cyclist, is he!? He obviously doesn't weigh his food. :-)
