Sunday, August 30, 2009

Road Trip

I have always loved road trips. They bring with them a sense of adventure, freedom and fun! They are a great opportunity to hang out together, driving on the open road with the windows down, wind blowing through your hair, consuming copious amounts of caffeine and singing at the top of your lungs.

So when CH and I decided to make a trip to visit family and friends I naturally got excited at the prospect of a road trip, however I forgot just how much road trips have changed since CH began cycling.........

The night before...............

CH spends the night before strategically planing a route which he can cycle that will get him part of the way along our road trip, he then calculates the exact moment which I will have to leave, along with very brief directions on how to get to where he will be. He then packs a bag containing all he will need and places this by the back door so as I don't forget to cart it with me in the car.

The morning of.............
CH removes himself from the bed an hour before I even intend on waking up, dons his lycra and is off.

An hour later I emerge from bed, get ready, and hit the road solo.
I miss the turn off I am supposed to take, which means I am running late. We are supposed to meet at 6:30, and at exactly 6:31 I get the call from CH asking where I am, as he is there waiting.

I finally arrive at the designated meeting spot and wait while CH dismantles his bike to fit it in the car and changes on the side of the road much to the delight of passing vehicles.

We finally begin the road trip together..................but it would seem that CH has worn himself out on his ride and within seconds is sound asleep, head flung back against the seat and mouth wide open, just waiting for a passing fly. So I am alone again on my fun filled road trip and I need to resort to putting on a mystery CD and challenging myself to how many songs I can learn the words to by the end of the road trip.

A couple of hours into the trip and I am in desperate need of a coffee, so I stop at a bakery. CH conveniently wakes up at this point, purchases food, eats food, falls back to sleep. I go back to my mystery CD challenge.

CH eventually recuperates and offers to do some driving. As soon as CH gets behind the wheel he is in the same frame of mind that he is in when he is cycling................All that matters is being first! The trip is a hair raiser. I make a mental note to be cautious about letting him drive.

Somehow we arrive safely and begin to visit family. It is great to see everyone, we are well fed, get to meet some new additions to the family and are sent on our way with a bag of delicious fruit and veg fresh from the garden and lots of love.

The return journey..............

A kilometre into the return journey, and I realise that it's all just been too much excitement in one day for CH as he returns to his earlier 'flytrap sleeping pose'. I realise that it's the mystery CD challenge again for me.

It's late and I am feeling exhausted as we pull into the driveway. While I unload the car, CH cares for his most prized possession, ensuring his bike survived the trip. As we head inside, me carting all the junk we have accumulated along the way and CH pushing in his bike, he pipes up to say.........................................'So, I think I did most of the driving today.'

Too tired to respond to this outrageous claim, I simply shook my head in disbelief.

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