Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Saddle Sore Sculpture

CH likes to describe saddle sores as follows "It's when you ride so much that you wear a hole in your skin". I also like the description given on Fat Cyclist - A saddle sore is your butt’s method of asserting self defense - “Your honor, I killed him because he just wouldn’t quit beating on me, day after day, and then when that 75 mile road race rolled around, and he was supposed to go to Moab the next day.” http://www.fatcyclist.com/2007/03/21/the-sorts-of-saddle-sores-and-their-sources/

Saddle sores, of course, occur in an area on your body that you don't want to share with anyone other than your dearly beloved. This made things tricky at dinner the other night when one of CH's Cycling Buddies (CB) is trying to determine if he truly does have a saddle sore. CB was a virgin saddle sore receiver and was wanting confirmation that what he had was just a saddle sore and nothing to be concerned about. So CB decided to treat us all to a verbal description of his saddle sore. Upon completion of the verbal description CB was still not sure that he had painted a clear enough picture to gain an accurate diagnosis, so, he plucks a piece of feta from the salad bowl and begins using his spoon to carve out an exact replica of his saddle sore. At this point it all becomes clear to CH, who delivers his diagnosis - "Yep, it's definitely a saddle sore".
Thank goodness we had the saddle sore sculpture to clarify it all!

Who would have known there is such fine craftsmanship and pleasant conversations to be had at dinner with cyclists!

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